Behavioral Technology

Origins of NLP

About NLPI
NLP traces its roots back to the early 1970s when it emerged as a thesis project in Santa Cruz, California. The pioneering work of Richard Bandler and his professor, John Grinder, aimed to model human behavior systematically. They sought to uncover why some individuals excelled in their endeavors while others struggled with similar tasks.

Inspired by trailblazers in the realms of therapy and personal growth, Bandler and Grinder embarked on the development of structured procedures and theories that would become the foundation of NLP. Their study focused on four remarkable individuals:

Virginia Satir : Renowned for her prowess in family therapy, Virginia Satir consistently achieved breakthroughs in resolving intricate family relationships that had confounded other therapists.

Fritz Perls : An innovative psychotherapist, Fritz Perls was the originator of Gestalt therapy, which explores the integration of mind and body.

Milton Erickson : A globally acclaimed hypnotherapist, Milton Erickson's work in therapeutic hypnosis was instrumental in shaping NLP.

Gregory Bateson : A multifaceted British scholar, Bateson's influence spanned multiple fields. In the 1940s, he played a pivotal role in introducing systems theory/cybernetics into social and behavioral sciences. 

These early influences paved the way for the development of NLP, which continues to empower individuals to unlock their potential and achieve excellence in various facets of life.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Institute USA




Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is often described as a behavioral technology, a practical set of guiding principles, attitudes, and techniques focused on real-life behavior. It's not a distant scientific theorem but a hands-on approach rooted in understanding and modeling human excellence.

The essence of NLP lies in its ability to model and replicate excellence, making it a powerful tool for change. This innovative understanding has given rise to a plethora of highly effective techniques that can be applied to modify behavior, boost motivation, accelerate learning, and resolve internal conflicts. These techniques are accessible to anyone eager to learn and apply them.

Whether you're already excelling in your profession, facing challenges, or transitioning into a new role, Neuro-Linguistic Programming training and Time Line Therapy techniques can be your allies in achieving, sustaining, and elevating your excellence.

The majority of NLP practitioners are on a quest for better and more efficient ways to enhance their performance and effectiveness. As a meta discipline, NLP is universally applicable wherever individuals have a brain and aspire to utilize it more effectively, efficiently, and elegantly. NLP offers a straightforward, step-by-step process that leverages the five senses to facilitate swift and impactful behavioral changes while ensuring comfort and safety.
Copyright © 2023 NLPI
NLPI is a globally recognized research institute dedicated to advancing the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Our mission is to foster excellence, professionalism, and innovation in NLP by uniting a diverse team of expert researchers from NLP, Psychology, and Linguistics. Through rigorous research and collaboration, NLPI has undertaken numerous studies, leading to the establishment of international standards for NLP certification.

We take immense pride in accrediting a select group of accomplished NLP Master Trainers and NLP Developers worldwide. These certified professionals are not only authorized to confer NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist certifications but also actively contribute to the ongoing research and development of NLP.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Unleashing Excellence

NLP is often described as both an art and a science, rooted in the study of how top achievers across diverse fields attain remarkable results. It equips individuals with a robust set of communication skills that can be acquired and applied by anyone, transcending personal and professional domains.

NLP's versatility shines as it directly applies to a wide array of fields, including communications, business, sales, education, and therapy. With NLP, individuals can enhance their effectiveness, foster meaningful relationships, and achieve excellence in their chosen pursuits.

At NLPI, we are committed to nurturing the growth and development of NLP, ensuring its accessibility and relevance to a global audience. Join us in exploring the art and science of excellence, and unlock your potential with Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Discover NLP Worldwide with NLPI
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a transformative discipline, often described as the art and science of excellence. It is derived from the study of how top achievers in various domains attain exceptional results. At the forefront of NLP education and certification, the Neuro-Linguistic Programming Institute (NLPI), USA, stands as the authoritative institution ensuring the integrity of the NLP certification system.

With NLPI, the world becomes your classroom. We provide a global platform that empowers learners worldwide to access the NLP curriculum through our extensive network of affiliated agencies. Whether you're in anywhere on the planet, you can connect with NLPI's authorized partners to embark on your NLP journey.

NLP equips individuals with communication skills that transcend boundaries. These skills are universally accessible and can be acquired by anyone, enhancing personal and professional effectiveness. From enhancing your interactions with others to achieving excellence in various fields such as communications, business, sales, education, and therapy, NLP opens doors to success and personal growth in every corner of the globe.

Join NLPI today and explore the limitless opportunities NLP offers to individuals worldwide.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Institute USA

NLPI (USA):P.O. Box 423  Hillsboro, North Dakota
